How to Get Baby to Latch on After Bottle Feeding

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Tips for getting baby to latch after a week of bottle feeding?

I posted another thread similar to this one but didn't specifically ask for tips and it won't let me edit it on my phone. Any tips for getting baby to latch after a week of bottle feeding formula? I changed my mind and have been pumping but really want to experience physically breastfeeding her. Can't see a lactation consultant until next week and everyday makes me more and more nervous that she won't latch


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All I can say is that you should just try! There are a ton of videos on YouTube you can look up to see what a good vs bad latch is. Baby's can smell your milk and know when they're close to their food source so I'm sure finding the nipple shouldn't be an issue. So until you can see a lactation consultant, definitely watch some videos and educate yourself!! Just remember, it's natural! Your baby should know what to do :)

how has pumping been going? I had an emergency csection on Tuesday and baby girl ended up in the NICU. She needed to eat and was given formula, but I really want to breastfeed. My milk has finally come in today, I think! So I tried on my breast but nothing. Tried pumping and one drop came out. How long before you had a little bit of a supply? I'm getting frustrated which is making it worse.


i gave birth Monday and my milk came in Thursday. I started pumping yesterday and got 3oz total in 15 min from both breasts. This morning I got 3 ounces but took 30

Min. then later today only got about an ounce in 15 min but finally got baby girl to latch!!


Amazing! That's great. I'm only getting drops. Sigh. I Keep doing it every 2-3 hours though. Hoping for some more improvement each time!

Congrats on the latch!

Just keep at it. I had a horrible time getting my oldest to latch on. I had to pump and bottle feed for almost 3 weeks but finally got him to latch on. Persistence, patience, determination! I kept reminding myself that way back in the day there were no breast pumps so what in the world did they do? They kept at it until it worked!

My first didn't nurse while in the NICU, but once home where we could relax and just try nursing we were successful. Try not to stress, spend lots of time topless (easy access between breast and baby helps not only your supply but baby too), and watch dr. Jack Newman videos- he is basically the breastfeeding guru. I am still nursing my first almost three years later. I truly believe that with proper support, most moms can nurse if they so choose. Good luck!

I Second trying a nipple shield to begin with.

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